Weekend in Edinburgh

I stayed with my sister and her husband this weekend in Edinburgh.  After a rather unpromising start to the day weather-wise on Saturday, it started to dry up by the time we set off into town to go to the Royal Botanic Gardens.


There was a mass of crocuses as we came into the Gardens and giving colour scattered through out.

I rather like these miniature narcissi with their punk hair style

I rather like these miniature narcissi with their punk hair style


Then we walked up the Mound steps. This is as close as you can get to a 'bridges' photograph in central Edinburgh. 


On the way in to Edinburgh we walked along the canal and then down past Dene village

Purple tooth wort are named for their shape and presumed benefits in curing toothache. They are in fact parasitic plants native to Spain. 

Purple tooth wort are named for their shape and presumed benefits in curing toothache. They are in fact parasitic plants native to Spain. 
