Early Spring in Kew

I spent yesterday afternoon at Kew Gardens, and have to own to have completely lost myself in this haven of peace (ignoring the aircraft overhead and the all pervasive London hum). I took over 500 photographs but I am not going to inflict them all on you.

Pulmonaria were generally just coming out but already producing a wave of blue and pink

Pulmonaria were generally just coming out but already producing a wave of blue and pink


There were some very brightly dressed birds around heralding spring. I also saw my first bees of the year in the surprisingly warm.

Some early rhododendron are out.

Some early rhododendron are out.

The Camellias are stunning and lflully out with some very blowsy flowers amongst them.

The Camellias are stunning and lflully out with some very blowsy flowers amongst them.

My favourite photograph from the day

My favourite photograph from the day