An afternoon on the Allotment

Today started with a lovely sunrise and bright sunshine until mid morning  - I spent all that time clearing the front garden of rubbish - it is never a pleasant task and I am astounded that people drop so much litter. The joys of living next to a supermarket with a public path in between. 3 bin bags later it is tidy for the next day or two. I did stop and admire the deadheads of the lavender before having the all important bacon bap.

Rhubarb  is coming on well - shouldn't be long until crumble happens.

Rhubarb  is coming on well - shouldn't be long until crumble happens.

My chewed leeks - rabbit pie anyone?

My chewed leeks - rabbit pie anyone?

I accidentally woke this ladybug from her sleep - the protection from the stachys having been removed. A gentle push back into the shelter will hopefully have allowed for resumption of slumbers

I accidentally woke this ladybug from her sleep - the protection from the stachys having been removed. A gentle push back into the shelter will hopefully have allowed for resumption of slumbers


Besides the ladybirds uncovered by tidying up the stachys I found these early cowslips planted by my predecessor on my 2nd half allotment. Daffodils are also pushing their way through.

I admired my remaining red cabbages - I know there is a river underneath their bed but they don't seem to mind wet feet. 


Then to the allotment where there is feeling of promise in the air. The rabbits have been out though and cropped the tops of my leeks - teach me not to have them protected! 

The wind has done for my polytunnnel - it now sports a skylight  and is poor protection now for my salad crops

Last year's celeriac looks as if I might get some roots this year. I don't think it is a biennial but if it works...

Last year's celeriac looks as if I might get some roots this year. I don't think it is a biennial but if it works...
