Sunday again

Been a busy week with an unplanned trip to north Wales but today was dry and cold and gave me an opportunity to do a bit of a clean up in the front garden. In principle, I believe in leaving leaves on soil and allowing the worms to do their work with them but the load on my front border is too great and tends to choke the plants so I have done a thin out of the load and at the same time propped up the buddleja and lavatera which both are trying to grow horizontally rather than vertically. At the same time I cleared the public path by my house into the garden waste bin and my own driveway into the leaf litter bins I established earlier this autumn. Ben felt it was a bit chilly to be outside!

Sunday a fortnight later

I have had time away from home so the Magic Garden has been a bit neglected. Today though I got out the secateurs and cut back the rose along the back fence. Ben watched from the arbour seat and also checked out the summerhouse for its box possibilities.

I am delighted to have chaffinches in the garden - this is a first for the garden for all that I knew they were around locally. The number of birds in the Magic Garden are gradually increasing and the feeders are regularly being emptied by them.


We had the novelty of the sun coming out briefly today. I took the opportunity to plant out a bag of mixed alliums. I don’t think they will be very tall or big as the bulbs were quite small but I’ve scattered them through the west & south quadrants of the Magic part.

There is a lot of bloom still going in the Magic Garden including second flushes of flowers. I was pleased Ben joined me in the autumn sunshine.


November has got off to a wet start but we did have a break from the incessant rain today so I persuaded Ben to have a few moments outside. I brushed up leaves from the front garden and added them to the leaf litter bin. Last year’s is coming on nicely. The garden is looking a bit miserable now as the damp has taken the shine off it all..


Autumn has arrived in the Magic Garden. We’ve had a lot of rain and darkness this last week and the leaves are coming down. The blueberries’ leaves have turned a lovely colour and there is still scattered bloom throughout the garden if getting a bit battered by the weather.


Bit of a long gap since I last posted. We have had Storm Babet since with so much rain and wind this week and it is the time of year where it starts feeling dark all the time. There is though still plenty of bloom in the Magic Garden. Ben is still enjoying the catnips.


Its been dry but distinctly cool today as autumn at long last seems to have arrived. Ben came out and inspected the catnip on the patio while I was admiring my crops. I fear my courgette will not progress now to a full grown fruit.


Its been wet again and windy but Ben and I had some time in the Magic Garden after I’d been for a run & a muddy walk. The blackberries are nearly over now and even the rowan berries are becoming depleted by the blackbirds.


It kept up the theme of rain and wind today although we had a bit of time outside watching the birds.

I tidied up inside the summerhouse harvesting the last of the cucumbers. I’m still harvesting the tomatoes too. The Christmas potatoes are off to a good start.


Autumn has arrived with gales rearranging the Magic Garden. I’m pleased with how my vegetable growing is continuing. Ben is looking after his nip plants carefully and watches my activities with suspicion even when he doesn’t venture out!


Its been mainly grey today with some wet episodes. The birds are enjoying the rowan berries now and I’m enjoying the brightness of the colours in the dull light. Ben did venture out and when he realised it was dripping he just disappeared under the arbour seat.


It was surprisingly mild today and pleasant in the Magic Garden. There were some bees and hoverflies around appreciating the flowers that are still going strong.


A whole week has gone by in a flash! I planted out an aster reflecting that I have just missed Michaelmas. I do love Michaelmas daisies and there is a lovely patch of purple in the north quadrant where they thrive. The bees love them. I have put the new one under the black elderflower.

I am loving the birds visiting the Magic Garden.


We had a bit of sunshine today so I took the chance to fill the feeders, pick some more blackberries and apples and of course enjoy the birds, butterflies and bees. I think enjoyed watching them too!


Today has been wet but with moments of dryness. It was very windy last night so the frame for the tomatoes has come down and I have been putting back cloches and netting to where it should be. I harvested a fair few slugs too! The netting is hopefully keeping the butterflies at bay!