
I’ve put more anti-slug stuff down around my planted out sunflowers - its made of sheep wool and my hands still smell of it. Its been a mix of sunshine & very heavy showers today. Ben and I sat in the Magic Garden when I came back from a walk and I photographed a few more bees

The magnolia is now blooming its heart out and the new wee red broom is just coming into flower. It is very little but I hope it will now get established .


Much to my surprise, the drizzle and rain we were promised has not materialised today and so Ben and I spent ages sitting in the Magic Garden.

Wet Monday

Ben and I braved the wet in the Magic Garden this afternoon. Ben stole my cushion while I was checking on the sunflowers I planted out at the weekend and checked the potato sacks which are all gradually getting earthed up. The bees were still busy around the broad beans and garden in general.

Sunny Sunday afternoon

I’m still not feeling the best so it was rather wonderful to have a warm sunny afternoon to sit in the Magic Garden and snooze. I also deheaded some of the daffodils and marked the red tulips so I remember to take them out of the north quadrant and put them elsewhere in the garden as they don’t fit in with the colour scheme. On the other hand these lovely dark fringed tulips are perfect and I will try and find some more - if I can remember what they were called!

Saturday - Coronation Day

Today was the coronation of King Charles III. We were lucky here and it stayed sunny all day.

I spent the afternoon rearranging the patio so that I can have a tomato house. I suspect I will find it doesn't last with the winds we get - we shall see!


We had a lovely period of sunshine during the afternoon which coincided with my need for a snooze so I slept in the garden surrounded by flowers and buzzing noises. I think I will have a good crop broad beans this year judging by the visits of pollinators.


We had some sunshine today and both Ben and I enjoyed being out in the Magic Garden

Besides enjoying some macro photography, I did a bit of weeding & also sprayed nematodes on the gooseberries and other fruit bushes


Its been a damp day but Ben and I spent time in the Magic Garden. I planted out another heuchera in the back which is essentially a replacement planting. I dug up a couple of the ones I planted last year and have potted them to see if they will recover enough to go back elsewhere in the garden.

Heuchera Beaujolais

The baby gooseberry is unhappy though as it is infested. I drenched it in nematodes (and elsewhere in the garden) and have placed it under the second set of bird feeders as maybe the blue tits willl attack these too.

I’m optimistic I will have broad beans to eat this year as my troughs of them have been visited endlessly by the bees.


I did a bit of work in the Magic Garden this afternoon. I potted up the oregano and the French tarragon into terracotta pots, planted out a wee catnip Nepta Blue Cloud in the central thyme zone and a Heuchera ‘Metallic Shimmer’ into the west quadrant by the holly bush.

French Tarragon

Nepta ‘Blue CLoud’

Heuchera Metallic Shimmer



After a wet start this morning, I was rather pleased to come back this afternoon to dryness - even if a bit cool. I am pleased with my tulip selection this year even if they are going over fast now. The wee frilly ones were a late addition so it will be interesting to see if in future years they are more in time with the other ones.

I planted out a pair of white hollyhocks into the West quadrant


A long time ago I was given a gardening token by my aunt and bought a tiny magnolia. Now it is reaching for the sky & is currently flowering. More recent additions in the opposite corner, the English bluebells are also in bloom. I hope these will bulk up so I will have more of these.


It was very chilly overnight and hasn’t exactly warmed up today despite some periods of sunshine. We spent a bit of time out in the Magic Garden as I rested in my rocking chair.

Bombus pascuorum

Bombus terrestris

European dark bee (western honeybee)


Its been a dry if not sunny day so I have continued with my photography of the insects.

I think these are Marmalade hoverflies Episyrphus Balteatus - these are common and I have just learnt can also be migratory, coming north each year to reproduce. Their larvae eat aphids and the adults feed on nectar and pollen even if they are relatively feeble pollinators.

I think I’ve also identified a female Tawny Mining bee Andrena fulva and a Red Mason bee Osmia bicornis which are fabulous to have in the Magic Garden.


Another wet day and today I haven’t been able to do much beyond admire from the window. Hopefully the weather will improve as I get more able to do things again.


Today has been back to grey and cool - not surprisingly Ben has been less than enthusiastic about being out! He did check out under the arbour seat for mice though and checked that there was still water in the birdbath and inspected the world from the hedgehog house roof. I stayed in & pricked out & potted up the red cherry tomato seedlings


I’ve been blessed again with another sunny day. The Magic Garden has been full of buzzing as well as sunshine

The boy has been enjoying the sun with me in the Magic Garden, following the sun round and snowing his way through the day