
Having had my back surgery yesterday I was pleased to get out into the Magic Garden to soak up some sunshine this afternoon.

The broom is almost in full bloom and I can smell it across the garden. It is always popular with the bees as are the wallflowers. I am pleased to see them attracted to the broadbeans and hopefully ensuring a bit of a crop results.


Ben and I spent the afternoon in the Magic Garden. I had the macro lens out & was pleased to see the bees busy around both the broad beans and the blueberries. Hopefully this will be followed by produce!


I was blessed today with a sunny afternoon. I spent it planting out in the Magic Garden having invested this morning in two agastache amongst other plants from Stanton Hall nursery & some ā€˜wild flowersā€™ from Dobbies.

Agastache Licquorice Blue

Ben wasnā€™t overly impressed with the new catnip plant. Iā€™ve planted it in the East block. I also planted out the sweetpeas that have been in the cold frame for weeks.

Agastache Blue Boa

Trifolium Angel Clover Beauty


Its been a long week owing to my ā€˜realā€™ job and hence the gaps in my blog postings. To make life feel a little worse, it has also added insult to injury by raining whenever I escape out during daylight! Weā€™ve had gales this week to so I am pleased that my peas remain protected in their cloche as do the cauliflowers & kale. My seedling kingdom indoors is growing a pace too so I foresee plenty of work to be done this weekend


Inevitably its pouring with rain this evening and I have not had more than a few moments in the Magic Garden today. Ben did stretch his paws in the few moments of sunshine we had when I came home this afternoon.

Easter Monday Bank Holiday

Iā€™ve had a lovely day today but distinctly damp at times. I have re-arranged the troughs and pots, started the potato sacks off and planted out the peas, covering them up with a cloche to keep the pigeons off. I also put a bee hotel up on the fence.

Ben has intermittently been out to help but no more attempts at mousing today although he did chase the pigeons if a bit halfheartedly.

Easter Sunday

Its been disappointingly cold and grey today even if not raining. Ben and I did spend time outside. Ben got mesmerised by the birdsā€™ water. Iā€™m pleased with the red tulips even though they are not a colour I should normally wish to use in the Magic Garden.

There are a mixture of flowers around from the wee violets which have seeded themselves all over the garden to the blueberries which are tantalising for the future.


Weā€™ve had another sunny but chilly day. I spent the majority of it outside and have done a lot of weeding & path maintenance. Ben got a bit distracted from my efforts & I had to rescue a mouse!

Good Friday

Its been disappointingly chilly today but besides going for a long walk I spent most of the afternoon in the Magic Garden. I emptied the composter today and its made some good compost now in the wee vegetable bed. I planted the cauliflowers and kale out into this.

I am pleased to see the start of the blueberries flowering. They are mainly in the canvas root bags although the oldest ones are by the back door


Its been another lovely spring day - chilly but sunny. Ben spent all morning sitting in the corner under the magnolia tree in the sun only coming in with me at lunchtime. Iā€™ve been enjoying more signs of spring as the gooseberry bush shows promise for the coming year and finding olives to remind me how productive my wee garden is!


Its been a work day but impressively sunny even when I did get home later than intended. Iā€™m ridiculously proud of my wee pond fountain considering all Iā€™ve done is put it in the water & positioned the solar panel


Weā€™ve had an absolutely gorgeous spring day today and I spent most of it outside - definitely back to the time of year where the inside work gets neglected in favour of just being in the Magic Garden.

One of the jobs that I did was to rejuvenate the Thyme zone including re-setting the time on the sundial. Iā€™ve hopefully fixed the upright now. There are 7 paving stones with 7 different thymes.

Variegated lemon thyme

Common Thyme

Creeping Red Thyme

Thyme Silver Queen

Thyme Doone Valley

Thyme Golden Archer

Thyme Silver Posie

The other task is a continuing bit of work on the pond. I need to get some more stones to complete the side maintenance. I put in the solar fountain to create some aeration and create a wee bit of movement.


Another wet day when I wanted to be in the Magic Garden but spring is here! Iā€™m very pleased with how the little bit of ā€˜winter colourā€™ has settled its way out.

The broom is just coming out as is the spirea. There is a wee gap next to them behind the pond and I think I need to find something to settle into that space


Today was a work day so Ben only got a few minutes in the Magic Garden. I meantime have an increasing forest of seedlings to enjoy & try and keep alive! I have them all over the house on windowsills of each floor, in the garden room & in the summerhouse too as well as the sweetness in the cold frame


I spent a lot of time in the front garden today trying to clear some of the choking leaves away and tidying the border. Iā€™m pleased with the daffodils out front but need to take some photos to remind me where I need to put more bulbs in. I also did some weeding in the Magic Garden & moved a blackcurrant bush into a container to free up a vegetable growing area.


Another damp & cold day! I did some repairs to the arbour seat which will hopefully hold it together for another season. Meantime the pulmonaria are looking healthy and are blooming now.