Waiting for the Next Storm

Its feeling chilly here which I think is because of the blustery weather with showers & sunshine. It does though feel as if spring might be coming now with the opening up of more daffodils, a patch of crocuses & snake-head fritillaries

I am still uncertain what to do with the ‘wild corner’ behind the gooseberry bush. I have planted hedging plants along the fence already and today I added in the Hydrangea anomala Petiolaris I chose as a ‘climber’ as it is supposed not to object to the north facing site I have planted it in. Meantime the tulips are pushing up through the disturbed soil and a couple of the catnip plants are showing signs of regeneration & growth.

I also planted out two heuchera that I bought yesterday at the supermarket. They are not named varieties but they are the attractively purple leaved ones. I put them in at the front of the Magic Garden. There are a couple of others along this side which hopefully will get going this year.