It’s been distinctly damp here for most of the day but I got quite a bit done from weeding paths to filling in the gaps with new perennials. Ben was not sure about spending time in the rain but nevertheless joined me for some of the time
Having had a sunny Solstice yesterday, March came back today with a cool 9C and no sun - very North Sea coast. It was however dry allowing me to plant up four pots in memory of a dear friend who died at the start of this month. I have planted into pots on the basis that I will wish these to travel with me should I move. They are Philadelphus coronarius; philadelphus virginal; purple cystisus & Weigela Florida Red Prince in 2 new and 2 old blue pots. There is a bit of a blue theme to the blooms around the Magic Garden at the moment contrasting with the daffodils.
Cold but dry with some sun
Ben and I sat out in the Magic Garden today and enjoyed the sunshine. The first of the snakes head fritillary are making their presence known amongst the daffodils. The catnip plants are all looking promising and Ben is carefully checking them out.
False spring?
We had a day full of sunshine yesterday and after the fog lifted today we had more, if a little chillier, sunshine. I had a couple of purchases from the supermarket yesterday to add into the mix. I also did some simple tidying and a tiny bit of belated pruning.
More signs of spring
I was in need of fresh air and needed the healing of the Magic Garden today. I did some significant planting out & clearing with a plan in my head & photo from above to guide me. The Magic Garden is rapidly growing with the bulbs coming up thick and fast now we are in to March. The Winter border continues to give joy too with the hellebores blooming and the Christmas Boxes still providing interest.
Sunny Saturday
Definite feel of spring in the air and the crocuses have started to really come out now with a lovely mass of them under the black elder. The pigeons are very much in evidence and unfortunately having ignored the kale all winter have attacked them.
A lovely day spent in the Magic Garden mainly tidying up and enjoying the signs of spring. Ben was pleased to find some nip sprouting.
And at last some rhubarb on the way!
At last signs of spring
It has suddenly gone much milder. We’ve had some heavy showers and the wind has risen with the temperature but Ben & I ventured out to check on the progress of the Magic Garden. It was a joy to see the first iris blooming, some crocuses & even a daffodil thinking of opening.
It’s still bitterly cold here and so grey that it never seems to get light. There are definite signs of spring and in the meantime I’m pleased with how the winter border has shaped up. I planted out a couple of foxgloves into the back under the jasmine.
Feeling spring in the air
It was a feeling cold out today and the air was damp. I had a final hellebore to plant into the winter border - a lovely rose coloured one to fill in the gap at the back. I removed a self seed & have potted it up to offer out to friends along with a few other stray plants. Ben checked out the new shoots of the catnip in the winter border under the beady eyes of the dunnocks. The evidence of my bulb planting is becoming more evident & the rhubarb is sprouting. The cowslips are just coming into bloom.
Another week gone
It’s still cold here although above freezing and now we are into February it is gradually becoming more obvious that spring is on its way. This week’s supermarket buy was a wee campanula that has added a little brightness to the magic. More snowdrops are showing - some are very little! Meantime my hellebores are still providing flowers to admire.
Another Saturday after another storm
Another set of gales and chilly weather but spring is becoming more of a suggestion. Today I planted out more supermarket primroses, the last of the allium bulbs and refilled the bird feeders. The snowdrops are coming out now but appear to be being attacked.
Cold and frosty again today but as the sun was out so were Ben and I. I cleared away the last of the monkshood seedheads as they have gone soggy and are obscuring the view of the back of the garden and my ‘winter border’. I have put three pale yellow primroses in today (bought at the supermarket) and planted them in front of the Christmas boxes and red dogwood.
The garlic is beginning to sprout in the troughs around the remaining pair of red cabbages. This together with the first signs of the rhubarb encourage hope.
It is at last milder again. The garden is looking remarkably intact following the deep freeze and there are tiny signs of the spring to come with the snowdrops coming up. Sadly these don’t seem to be clumping up. I have acquired another hellebore as a ‘rescue’ purchase.
The weather remains foul with sleet and rain but this has meant that I have had more chance to appreciate my growing house plant collection. I inherited a lot of Easter and Christmas cacti from my mum as well as having already a few of my own. There are a pair of these in full bloom at the moment which I think are the same plant originally which I accidentally split in the autumn. My other houseplant in bloom is a lovely Eternal Flame that I was given this year for Christmas.
This year has started with a proper cold snap with even the wee pond frozen solid. I have kept refilling the bird water to keep it unfrozen and have kept the bird feeders topped up too. I love the visitors this brings in. Fortunately they seem unfazed by Ben but perhaps they know that he is not a threat to them. I am pleased to find tiny signs of spring with the snowdrops pushing towards blooming.
New Year - Time to Restart the Blog
I have been neglectful of both taking pictures of the Magic Garden and posting on the blog of late - I resolve to do better this year!
I’m really pleased with how my winter border at the back of the garden is progressing especially with the hellebores blooming and the Christmas Box. The older Christmas box in a pot is doing well with some lovely berries. The pots in general do okay with the grevillea ‘spider’ shrub looking good currently. Ben ignored the crunchy remaining bits of ‘snow’ to inspect the catnip in the winter border.
I’ve been away again hence time for catch up in the Magic Garden today. I’ve moved the yellow dogwood out of its pot & into the “winter” border at the back together with a new hellebore I bought. I have also planted out the remaining crocus bulbs & little irises so am expecting little bursts of colour around the garden early in the year. Ben was not that enthusiastic about gardening today but was happy to keep an eye on me.
I am away again for a few days but have caught up a bit more with ‘maintenance’ in the Magic Garden. We are in for a cold snap so I have carefully moved plants under protection. The amount of bloom still available is cheering. The birds are enjoying the feeders and hence so am I! Ben is less impressed..
After a long gap..
I’ve been away and busy, but the last few days I’ve been catching up on jobs in the Magic Garden including some drastic changes such as taking out the holly bush and moving some perennials around including the globe thistles. I’ve taken a ‘before’ overview photo but will need it to be daylight for an ‘after’. There is a fair amount of bloom around still with the snapdragons going strong and the wee rose that my Hedgewatch friends gave me. The cosmos is still blooming too if a bit ragged now.