The Ivy

I originally planted a common ivy in 2004 when the house and original fence was new. I have removed armfuls of it over the years as it has colonised a chunk of the fence between my neighbours and me & spreads over the arbour seat. The piece that remains is against a piece of the new fence. I think I will give it something to grow its way up.

Mine is a variegated form but large chunks have reverted to a bolder green.

I rather like the way it drapes itself over the arbour seat but I think the seat needs some repair work done before I let the ivy recolonise its sides

Ivy may not be the most exciting of plants but it has a firm place in the Magic Garden both for its symbolic worth & its role of encouraging wildlife. It is symbolic of fidelity presumably because it doesn’t let go easily!. In terms of wildlife ivy not only provides shelter for small birds mammals & invertebrates but also its flowers provide a source of nectar for bees & other insects at a time of year when there are less options available.