Storm Eunice

I feel we have so far escaped relatively unscathed from the latest storm to hit us for all that she is still blowing through. We have ‘yellow’ warnings in place for strong winds this weekend but so far the Magic Garden is only a little more battered and re-distributed than it was yesterday.

Its quite easy to get a bit despondent at the continual bad weather and consequent damage but then I find photos from last summer and have that feeling again of the magic coming back. When I was exploring the garden yesterday I found early signs of the perennials waking up again to fill in the space. The lungworts (pulmonaria) under the bamboo have become visible with the clearing away of the old stuff that was along the old fence. I don’t even know what variety these are but am already being tempted to buy some more to add to these ones. I think they get their name from the appearance of the leaves which are like lung tissue with alveoli represented by the pale spots and the green being the stroma and blood vessels.

The another plant now visible in this space is I think my white monkshood. This of course is poisonous in all parts which has always puzzled me slightly as all my monkshoods are great favourites with the bees and other pollinators. The green is very vibrant compared to the other greens around. I have planted the crab apple hedging plants around this area and behind I have created a hole under the fence with my hedgehogs in mind.