Saturday 16th April

I’m slightly disorientated in time by having the bank holiday yesterday and working today - if I work at weekends its usually a Sunday. When driving home from work this evening, I watched the temperature drop from 17 to 13C & it was not far off an east coast haar. I still went to sit in the Magic Garden with Ben in attendance. We are plagued from spring onwards by herring gulls and I was alerted to the presence of one by the cross warning noises Ben was making, sounding like one of the big cats rather than his domestic self. They are enormous birds and are proving difficult to deter..

Much more welcome were a pair of busy blue tits which are munching their way through the suet balls. They do go to the peanuts too but its definitely the suet which is the preferred meal. I could hear a wren most of the time I was outside. I couldn’t see it today but I am always amazed by how such a wee bird can broadcast so very loudly.

I did a bit of daffodil deadheading right round the Magic Garden, remembering they need to bulk up their bulbs rather than produce seeds. In contrast I have left the last of the overwintered kale to go to flower and seed as its providing a little fodder for some of the bees. I did a generalised check of the whole garden before coming to the conclusion it was teatime & time to go into the warm.