Mum's Garden 2

The weather has been drier today but only the shortest moment or two of sunshine. I again did a pile of stuff in the garden including planting out some very indifferent sweetpeas and pulling up armfuls of bracken and horsetail. I then cheered myself up with a a quick visit to another Ben, the owner of Garden Cottage Nursery just north of here & near Inverewe Gardens. The plants I bought were for Mum’s garden but I did do a bit of ‘window-shopping’ for my own too!

I bought 2 geraniums, a delicate dark leaved one for the alpine bed and another one that has gone under the clematis behind the pond. Beside this and between two supermarket heucheras I put in last time I was home I have put two contrasting heucheras.

I also bought two Bergeranthus glenesis - these are rather interesting as they open their flowers after the heat of the afternoon & are very pretty. I will endeavour to catch them open tomorrow as they had closed again by the time I planted them.