Ben and I sat in the Magic Garden contemplating the lack of sunshine this morning. I retrieved some of the plant supports and did a little judicious tidying including de-heading of the daffodils. The centaurea montana is already taking over in the front quarter so I removed several pieces & then put in supports to allow the things round them to grow on up through. This version is the blue perennial cornflower and grows away freely spreading out. Under the rowan tree I have a posher version the ‘purple heart’. The blue ones aren’t far off blooming. The bees alone make it worth having them.
I went shopping & decided on a light grey paint for the fences and the smoke grey for the furniture. I also bought compost for the potato bags & some more ericaceous compost. I have 3 more meconopsis plants to put out this weekend. I was in town for a hospital appointment and walking round Leazes Park was impressed by the amount of flower around and especially the primroses. Seeing the moorhens (red beak) and coots is always a bonus.