Friday 4th March

Its been a tiring day & I’m working tomorrow so it was lovely to come home to a big parcel as the next contingent of plants has arrived. I was entertained by Ben’s response - he obviously realised that besides the heuchera & the salvias, there is a Nepeta for his collection. I have removed it from cat level (quite low in Ben’s case). I’m working tomorrow but am hoping that on Sunday I will have an opportunity to start planting out the heuchera carpet I am gradually developing .

Outside one of the oldest parts of the hospital I work in there are some mature magnolia trees which are always ahead of the one in the Magic Garden in budding up & flowering. I think the trees opposite the entrance are pink bird cherries. They are beautiful & I was lucky to have a short break in the rain on the way home to enjoy them. My bird cherries are part of the native hedging I have planted this year so is about 2ft tall & not yet flowering.