Its bitterly cold here today and we had a proper frost with temperatures down to -5C. The wind is beginning to get up again too making it feel colder still. I’m not sure how many times I’ve put the solar lit windspinner back up right & I’ve given up for the moment trying to get the sundial wing to stay in place.
The basic structure of the Magic Garden is easy to see at this time of the year. I need to get some more white gravel /stones for the central paths. I like the effect of having my cross of paths running north to south and east to west. At each corner there is a piece of slate giving the compass point
It is also as difficult as normal to see the patio as its always covered by troughs and pots. Besides the fruit bushes in their growbags, the troughs contain a mixture of flowers, & vegetables. The kale has been steadily cropping through out the winter and the salad crops had been doing ok until this last month where its lack of protection has taken its toll.