Ben's Magic Garden

The Magic Garden came about in 2014 as I wanted to create a healing space for myself and attract bees to feed my photographic habits. I also wanted a garden full of symbolism & magic. At the centre of the Magic Garden is a wee sundial enclosed in a circle of 7 stones & 7 thymes. There are 4 paths leading out to the four compass points.

Around the Thyme Zone the next layer is the pentagonal arrangement of lavender plants. The other key features of the Magic square are the rowan tree on the outward south corner, the holly in the west & oak in the east. Originally there was a yew in the north corner but it was growing too fast so now the north corner is full of michaelmas daisies representing St Michael fighting off the Devil.

When Bengamaine joined Twitter during the first lockdown of 2020, I started posting pictures of him in the Magic Garden including with the various catnip plants. At the end of 2020 my old shed was replaced with the summerhouse. Ben’s adventures in his Magic Garden with his #Hedgewatch furrends have become part of the #CatsOfTwitter world.