Before I gave up on Magic Garden for the afternoon I did notice in the central square that I have scattered snowdrops coming up. These are in their second year after I had a mega-bulb planting session in October & November 2020. There are other signs of spring with daffodils coming up & unfurling rhubarb. This is a time of year when these small signs are so welcome as a reminder of better times to come & also that there is always more to do in the garden
In the back corner of the Magic Garden today I decided to move one of my apple trees about a foot sideways as where it originally was, it was too close to a magnolia stellata & sambucus nigra (black elderflower). This also meant moving the hedgehog house, currently empty as (the hedgehog is asleep in the blueberry patch by the backdoor. I moved the cat first and then the hedgehog house went into the space where Iād had one of the water butts. I then dug out a hole where I wanted the apple tree to go & put in a scoop of mycorrhizal fungi before digging up the apple tree and moving it across & backfilling the hole from the soil around it.
Tha new configuration means there is a paving stone between the apple tree and the black elder allowing me to step through to where the hedgehog house is now. I planned to do the pruning of my apple trees this afternoon too but it promptly tipped it down with rain so that task was postponed