It’s been unusually warm, if not sunny today and I was impressed at how quickly all my washing dried! My important ‘garden’ purchase today was a spray attachment for the hose so I could direct it a bit more successfully - the aim being to decrease the need for hefting watering cans as my back is bad currently.
I am happy with how the components of the Magic Garden are working currently. I will need to do some more pond maintenance and there is an area between the pond and gooseberry that I want to use as a damp area. I’m not sure what to put there but might move my pitcher plants from their trough.
I am tempted to get another ligularia as my Rocket has become one of my favourite plants and I’m pleased with its new pot mates of the gazanias.
More sweetpeas out and they are still mostly blue. Their scent is lovely but the flowers are getting lost in the mass of lush growth.