Lazy Day


Although the sun has been intermittently present today and the outside world has beckoned, beyond going to inspect the remains of the polytunnel on the allotment I haven't moved far. I am weary and hence lazy so today's photographs are from the garden. There is a real feel of spring even though we are only at the end of February. One of my tiny alpine type geraniums is confused and the wee plant is sporting pretty blue flowers. There is colour throughout the garden with daffodils, crocuses and irises, primroses and an early clematis.


Looking for the different

Most of the time we look for the undamaged version - the supermarket perfect. Today's collection come from my horticultural 'pests and diseases' collection because I still like damaged goods and its good for my revision!

Even space hoppers don't escape

Even space hoppers don't escape

Mealy bug with sooty mould

Mealy bug with sooty mould

Rust - rust is generally named for whatever plant its on - helpful hint from my RHS level 2 course

Rust - rust is generally named for whatever plant its on - helpful hint from my RHS level 2 course

Poor cabbages - they get caterpillars, slugs and pigeons and those left  feed the rabbits. Enviromesh is the way forwards

Poor cabbages - they get caterpillars, slugs and pigeons and those left  feed the rabbits. Enviromesh is the way forwards

To start the blog - the plan for the year 2014

This year I want to record each day in a different way - it is easy to wander through life and not notice. I want to notice something different every day for 2014. 

Yesterday was a grey day but in this winter of rain and wind, the stillness with the mirror images of the bridges on the Tyne were an unexpected bonus. Even on a dull day, these bridges are beautiful

