
We’ve been having thunderstorms today following on gales during the week and the Magic Garden is consequently looking a bit battered. I’ve done some work in the front garden today which is growing away well too.


Tonight the Magic Garden had just received a shower. The magpies were enjoying the fat balls although Ben was uncertain that he should allow their presence. Two adults and 2 youngsters and the whole family were present and chattering.

Back Home Again!

I’ve been away again this week to London including a visit to Kew. It’s good to be back though and I have spent an afternoon cutting back the overgrowth in the Magic Garden and enjoying how beautiful it looks. The sweet peas are really getting going now and the monkshood are providing the blues and whites in the rest of the Magic area.

Back Home

I’ve been away a few days - just in time to miss the good weather! The sun has brought out more blooms including dianthus I didn’t remember planting! The bees are busy and Ben is just happy I’m home.


We are still having constant showers but a little bit of sun this evening elevated the day. The potatoes are flowering which I hope means I will have a good crop in the bags this year. The bees are enjoying the monkshood and foxgloves. Ben is enjoying being around me in the Magic Garden.


Life has been a bit busy and distinctly wet recently. Ben and I sat in the rain in the Magic Garden today. I had done some weeding and refilled the bird feeders again. Its all looking very lush and green despite the continued cool weather.


Between heavy showers I have been busy again in the Magic Garden. Ben has had to move fast at times to avoid a soaking. In between I’ve enjoyed having the camera out & taken a moment or two to myself


The weather has been distinctly hit and miss. It’s chilly & windy today but dry. The different aquilegia around the garden are still delighting me but their numbers are declining. Ben seems quite pleased with the Magic Garden at the minute and is able to disappear from view entirely.


A second day of sunshine! Today has been about planting out the half hardy annuals - just in time to hear a warning of frost this week on the weather forecast. I have planted out a new Rhubarb Livingstone which is supposed to be autumn picked as well as spring. The bees are continuing to give pleasure as are the blue tits. Ben enjoyed being out in the Magic Garden.


The first day of summer and a beautiful day too. I have spent most of it outside. I sorted out a lot of the front border today puling out an armful of nettles and trimming back the rowan tree so it is les overhanging the path. In the back garden it was a similar story and some planting out of the bedding plants.


We have had a lot more rain and now wind in the last 48 hours and I seem to be doing a trial of what plants will survive the slugs in the Magic Garden. The bees seem relatively ok and I’m pleased to see that I will have raspberries to go with the blueberries, blackcurrants & gooseberries. I spent a couple of hours catching up with work sitting on the arbour bench with Ben quietly supervising.


Wet yet again today but I continue to do bits and pieces in the Magic Garden. The first lot of courgettes are in the big plantar with the rhubarb and the cold frame. Ben has timed his visits outdoors carefully


We’re back to grey and cool with a hint of damp & haar. The alliums continue to delight through out the Magic Garden and other blooms are joining them. The new rhubarb bed is off to a promising start having transplanted three crowns into the trough. I do seem to have a bit of what looks like aphids on fresh leaves.


I’ve had a busy weekend in the Magic Garden and outdoors. It was mainly sunny yesterday but we have had haar almost all day today after it drifted in yesterday evening. Today I have been planting out the half hardy annuals and potting up the tomatoes into the tomato house. Ben has supervised through out. The dogwoods are in flower and the aquilegia too. The geranium as usual has spread everywhere but at least the bees love it.


It was dry today which was typical as I was at work! I inspected the crops this evening and am pleased that so far the latest brassicas have not been destroyed by slugs. The blackcurrants, gooseberries, blueberries and raspberries are already looking promising. Ben and I sat out in the Magic Garden until late even though it was grey and cool. The first iris is out - it wasn’t where I thought I had planted any so it looks a little lonely standing by itself