
We’re back to grey and cool with a hint of damp & haar. The alliums continue to delight through out the Magic Garden and other blooms are joining them. The new rhubarb bed is off to a promising start having transplanted three crowns into the trough. I do seem to have a bit of what looks like aphids on fresh leaves.


I’ve had a busy weekend in the Magic Garden and outdoors. It was mainly sunny yesterday but we have had haar almost all day today after it drifted in yesterday evening. Today I have been planting out the half hardy annuals and potting up the tomatoes into the tomato house. Ben has supervised through out. The dogwoods are in flower and the aquilegia too. The geranium as usual has spread everywhere but at least the bees love it.


It was dry today which was typical as I was at work! I inspected the crops this evening and am pleased that so far the latest brassicas have not been destroyed by slugs. The blackcurrants, gooseberries, blueberries and raspberries are already looking promising. Ben and I sat out in the Magic Garden until late even though it was grey and cool. The first iris is out - it wasn’t where I thought I had planted any so it looks a little lonely standing by itself


Today has turned disappointingly damp. The alliums are coming out and the last of the tulips too. The garden overall is looking very green and growing fast.


We’ve had a lovely weekend so I have been busy in the Magic Garden more or less all weekend. I have planted out broccoli in the troughs, reconstructed the tomato house and planted out various perennial bits and pieces that have been looking for homes. Meantime Ben enjoyed the sun, helped out in the summerhouse and kept me company while I photographed the bees


Today we had warmth, sunshine and a hint that summer is just round the corner. I planted out 7 thymes into the Time Zone. Ben joined me to enjoy the sun.

Bank Holiday Monday

Its been grey and misty today. I got on and planted my wee collection of plants before also sowing some more broad beans and cucumbers. The insect life didn’t seem to mind the grey nor the birds. Ben was just patiently waiting for me to feed him.


I have had a spending spree this week with a few new plants to show for it. I’ve placed the pots around the garden and hope it will be dry enough tomorrow to plant them out. I sat and watched the birds with Ben.


Today’s weather was a lot better than advertised after a tremendous thunderstorm last night. I potted on the cosmos today and moved things off windowsills and into the cold frame and summerhouse. The potatoes needed another layer of compost so the bags are almost full now. Meantime Ben kept an eye on me and the birds.


We have had a lovely sunny day and we both spent most of the afternoon sitting in the sun. I did a little deadheading. I potted on cornflowers and checked on the progress of my cuttings - looking good so far.


Today was a bit of a washout. I sowed my courgettes & watched the rain. Eventually the sun came out & Ben checked out the potato sacks in a very quick wander in and out of the Magic Garden. The magnolia is in full bloom & spectacular against the sky.


I had a lovely afternoon in the Magic Garden with Ben. I planted out more of the sweetpeas and a couple of aquilegia. I also covered up the potatoes shoots. They are coming on fast.


I came home to a lovely evening of sunshine with the bees still around the apple blossom and the gone-to-seed kale. Ben joined me for a sit in the Magic Garden after he’d wolfed down his tea


We did have sunshine today, with a couple of sharp showers, and a chilly wind. The bees were busy although I still think the numbers are low. I hope it warms up soon. Ben seemed happy enough although maybe that was nip induced.


I spent a chunk of today in the Magic Garden photographing bees and birds before planting out lavender plants from B&Q. It is good to see that there are bees and other pollinators around so hopefully there will be apples and blueberries this year. The potatoes are making an appearance and after slugs have taken out all but one of the purple curly kale plants I’m trying again with some Russian kale instead.


Its been a dry and occasionally sunny day today after yet more rain during the week. The Magic Garden is looking lovely and green and it was lovely to sit there this evening and listen to the birds. Today was about checking on progress of what I think must be frilly tulips, finding what I think is Glandora diffusa (Lithodora) on the far side of the pond under the broom. The broom is currently spectacular and its scent is lovely. I potted up dahlia (Bishop’s Children) seedlings today and I’ve put them in the summerhouse as the next stage of hardening off. The apple blossom may all yet be out in the same time period as the Bramley seedling has just started to come out.